Connecting with Chapters

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 11:20 AM

Asma A Taha, RN, PhD, CPNP, CNS
School of Nursing, California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA

"I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow."  Woodrow Wilson.

Delegating tasks and expecting excellent results are not easy. Orchestrating a consortium with 14 chapters representing 16 schools of nursing is a challenge and a major responsibility. 

In order to get the consortium idea off the ground, southern California chapter leaders of Sigma Theta Tau International, met quarterly.  Twelve years ago, when the idea of this consortium started, the planning committee met several times face to face to plan the conference. Advances in technology have facilitated accomplishing major tasks and allowed for efficient productive outcomes. As a result, for the last several years the group has only met twice face to face and then uses other communication means in between meetings. Consortium planning meetings are scheduled and attended by a minimum of two representative of each chapter. Inspiring a shared vision is the number one priority to get all participants on board. Besides finalizing the mission and the vision of the southern California Chapters consortium, a set of activities were identified.  Sub committees were selected using a voting process on duties and function of each sub committee.  Based on identified activities, we determined what to delegate to members of each sub committee.  Duties ranged from choosing a theme for the consortium, identifying a proper avenue to hold the consortium, and identifying a keynote speaker to the smallest details of completing a successful program.

Matching people skills and interests to identified responsibilities is a key to successful delegation. During this session, we will illustrate to you our journey from starting with a small gathering of researchers to a conference that 400 participants attended in 2012. This presentation will address strategies used to connect multiple chapters in promoting scholarship, knowledge and technology.