The Adoption and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice amongst Academic and Clinical Faculty: A Cross Sectional Survey of USA and UK Faculty

Monday, 18 November 2013: 3:35 PM

Kathleen Williamson, PhD, RN
School of Nursing, Widener University, Chester, PA

Learning Objective 1: Discuss barriers and success educator’s face when teaching and fostering students in EBP competencies.

Learning Objective 2: Describe nurse educator’s patterns of adoption and implementation of EBP.

This project was an international collaborative descriptive comparative cross-cultural self report survey with two independent samples of clinical/academic faculty from the USA and UK school’s of nursing. The purpose of the project was to identify barriers and successes that educators face when teaching and fostering students in evidence based practice (EBP) competencies. Competency in EBP, therefore, requires nurses to be able to frame an answerable question from the clinical environment (i.e. representing a gap in knowledge), effectively search relevant literature and resources, evaluate and appraise research evidence and incorporate findings effectively and appropriately into practice. It is therefore crucial that nurses are provided with the strongest foundation possible in EBP through their educational experience and to prepare them for entering the workplace as qualified practitioners. The study aimed to provide insight into nurse educators’ patterns of adoption and implementation of EBP, barriers and facilitators of teaching and fostering students’ EBP competency, and cohesion in EBP approach between academic and clinical contexts. The use of the Evidence-based Practice Questionnaire (EBPQ) provided data on the practice of, attitudes toward, and knowledge/skills in EBP. The patterns of adoption and implementation of EBP while highlighting how faculty can best be supported in their teaching roles will be explored. Examining the cohesion between academic and clinical contexts in adopting and implementing EBP will be discussed. In combination, this presentation will highlight how clinical/academic faculty can best be supported in their teaching roles, and will help to identify areas that need a particular focus to ensure students’ learning needs are met by educational provisions.