"From the 3 Minute Inservice to the 3 Hour Continuing Education Simulation Laboratory: Leaders Creatively Move Evidence into Practice"

Monday, 18 November 2013: 10:00 AM

Ann Schlinkert, MSN, BSN, RN
Department of Nursing Administration, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH

Learning Objective 1: "The learner will be able to develop a new school of 3 minute education and learning."

Learning Objective 2: "The learner will be able to translate teamwork evidence into practice with 3 to 180 minute inservices and continuing education.

The University of Cincinnati Medical Center Rapid Response Team emerged as an Institute of Health patient safety initiative.  Definition and distribution of multidisciplinary roles develop as the team makes decisions about a patient's life, promotes quality and safety, provides mutual respect and puts order into disorder.  A sample 787 Rapid Response calls by location, reasons for call, responders, and post care were examined for period January 2009 to December 2010.  Calls totaled 292 on medicine and 92 on surgical units.  These results point to the importance of education and learning for the random multidisciplinary team members that arrive emergently to render care.  Evidence-based practices include use of team dynamics to prevent lack of teamwork, communication failure, patient injury and harm.  Elements of teamwork include team orientation, team leadership, back up members, shared mental model and trust.  The Performance Improvement method used at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center is the Plan, Do, Study, Act cycle.  A study was intitiated by Nursing Leaders which included analyses of debriefings of Rapid Responses.  The staff were interviewed.  They identified the need for a new school of educating and learning.  While on duty, they could receive education for 3 minutes.  These 3 minutes would not take time from their patient, break or meal.  The new school emerged into 10 minute, education opportunities before and after duty.  Additional changes to education were 30,60, and 180 minute offerings.  The success of these creative learning opportunities focus on meeting the needs of the adult learners, do not result in overtime pay, and are requested by leaders according to staff needs.  Global leaders may borrow the new school of  the 3 minute inservice.