Using iPad Technology in the 21st Century Nursing Classroom

Tuesday, 19 November 2013: 10:40 AM

Cheryl L. Bruick-Sorge, MA, RN1
Becky A. Salmon, MS, RN2
Cheryl L. Rockwell, MSN, BSN, RN1
(1)Department of Nursing, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN
(2)Nursing Department, Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN

Learning Objective 1: Identify the advantages and disadvantages of specific iPad apps for the 21st century nursing student

Learning Objective 2: Discuss faculty and learner responses to utilization of mobile technology

Using iPad Technology in the 21st Century Nursing Classroom

21st Century Learners have distinct characteristics that bring new challenges to nursing faculty. Millennial learners enter the class with short attention spans, are tech savvy, and prefer active and team learning.  Increasing motivation, engagement, and cooperative learning for this generation is a continual challenge for faculty.  Pedagogy must evolve to meet the educational needs of these students using mobile learning or “m learning”.  Apple iPad apps are one of the cutting-edge approaches to provide content and support this new learning environment.  The intuitive and interactive features of these apps appeal to this generation of students.  The iPad offers access to effective and efficient pedagogy by allowing instant access to information while still being in the classroom.

 Unfortunately, many faculty grew up when none of this technology was available.   Faculty not only need to learn and integrate this type of technology, but also research the impact of these new delivery methods.  Repurposed and new teaching strategies using the iPad, inside and outside the classroom, will be discussed.  How these apps encourage nursing students to actively participate and critically think will be examined.   Apps such as Keynote, iThoughtsHD, GoodReader, FaceTime, Dropbox, and Explain Everything, along with other common applications will be demonstrated.  Student and faculty assessment and feedback related to the utilization of this technology will be shared with the group.