Our Leadership Initiative with Nurse Managers in the Dominican Rebuplic

Monday, 18 November 2013: 3:15 PM

Andrea McCrink, EdD, WHNP-BC, RN
School of Nurisng, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
Nancy Cole, MS, RN
School of Nursing, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able describe the process of developing a needs assessment for nurse managers in a global setting.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to identify the advantages and pitfalls of developing a leadership program for nurse managers in a global setting.

There is a need for sustained nursing leadership programs around the world to improve the health of vulnerable populations. One such vulnerable population can be found in the Dominican Republic; specifically marginalized children due to the status of their parents. With the goal of improving the healthcare outcomes of children hospitalized in the main pediatric referral hospital in the Dominican Republic, Robert Reid Cabral Pediatric Hospital, a partnership was developed between the Adelphi University School of Nursing and World Pediatric Project to deliver an educational program to all nurses at the hospital. The program was developed, and then implemented from January 2012 to July 2012; 387 pediatric nurses completed the six-day programs. The curriculum for the program was based on two on-site needs assessment, and included theory and clinical components. A direct outcome of the program was the recognition and request by nurse managers at Cabral for us to develop a leadership program so they could better implement the program with their nurses. A leadership course was developed by the authors and delivered over two days in July 2012. The program was well received by the nurse managers; but, as with any new initiative, both positive and negative issues arose. We will share our insights about the leadership initiative and include the lessons we learned.