Methods: NYU has transitioned its mission as a university that is “in and of the city,” to being “in and of the world” by establishing the Global Network University (GNU) with three portal campuses and 15 network campuses.
Results: The GNU concept and administrative structure has enabled the College of Nursing to accelerate study abroad, 53% of undergraduate students now study abroad in sophomore year. Global engagement has propelled research and contributed to the growth in our NIH ranking from #46 in 2006 to #5 in 2012. College of Nursing global research accounts for 29% of all its funding.
Conclusions: Through the GNU, prioritizing global activities with university centralized support for travel, visa and passport assistance, processing international grants, recruiting faculty, and promoting appointments of faculty across the network, not only removes barriers for faculty and students but more importantly establishes a cohesive network and sets a tone of expectation that global education and research prepares nursing students to become citizens of the world. Strategies outlining nursing’s role in the Global Network University will be highlighted in terms of lessons learned and best practices for consideration by schools of nursing around the globe.