Building Global and Clinical and Research Capacity –Examples of Human Resources for Health Partnerships from Rwanda and the Republic of Georgia

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 3:45 PM

Deborah Chyun, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
Allison P. Squires, PhD, RN
Adam Sirois, MPH
Nok Chhun, MS, MPH
College of Nursing, New York University, New York, NY

Purpose: As part of a global network university NYUCN maintains a leadership role in identifying global projects that enhance clinical practice, as well as those aimed at developing research skills. Two recent projects exemplify how NYUCN-G meets this goal. 

Methods: NYUCN-G actively seeks projects that fit within the Colleges’ areas of expertise. Once projects are identified, NYUCN-G identifies potential PIs among faculty and assists them in proposal development and implementation. NYUCN-G was invited by Clinton Health Access Initiative to become a consortium partner in a 7-year Human Resources for Health (HRH) project aimed at building the healthcare workforce in Rwanda. NYUCN-G also successfully competed for US State Department funding to develop a Georgian Research Training Program (GRTP), in collaboration with colleagues from several Georgian Universities. 

Results: NYUCN-G recruited 10 nursing faculty to serve in mentor and educator roles for the first year of the Rwanda HRH project. As faculty were deployed in a short period of time, close collaboration with Human Resources and Financial departments was necessary to facilitate placement. Ongoing communication with faculty and responsiveness to identified needs have yielded a successful start to this project. At least 3 faculty will remain for a second year. Faculty recruitment for year 2 is currently underway. In the GRTP, over a two-year time frame, 15 Georgian inter-disciplinary academics will receive training aimed at improving skills to conduct and disseminate research at the international level. In addition, 30 civil society leaders and government policy makers will be trained in evaluating research evidence. Outcomes regarding research productivity and application of evidence-based practice that focuses on meeting national healthcare goals for Georgia will be assessed. 

Conclusions: These two projects exemplify the many internal resources and external collaborations that are necessary to successfully initiate and implement clinical and research capacity building projects in developing countries.