Factors in Low Hospital Retention Rate of NPGY1 Staff Graduated From Nursing College in Taiwan

Monday, 18 November 2013: 2:05 PM

Ming-Hsin Hsieh, MSN, RN
Center for Advancement of Nursing Education, Koo Foundation Sun Yat- Sen Cancer Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Stephen, Shei- Dei Yang, MD, PhD
Department of Surgery, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, New Taipei, Taiwan

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to get we reported the factors for low hospital retention rate of NPGY1 college nurses in Taiwan.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to get some key factors to solving the problem of high nursing turnover rate from education to hospital administrator.

I. Background

Around 60-70% of nurses in Taiwan are nursing college graduates who enter school at age of 14-15 years and study for 5 years. The reported hospital retention rate for all nurses postgraduate one year (NPGY1) was 40-50% in Taiwan and half of them left hospital in less than 3 months. Herein, we reported the factors for low hospital retention rate of NPGY1 college nurses in Taiwan.

II. Methodology

A structured questionnaire containing personal information, orientation training, service behavior and job performance was delivered to 300 graduates of 4 college nurses who were NPGY1, ever finished orientation training and worked in each hospital but left and didn’t go back to hospital in the study period. The data was analyzed by SPSS17.0 with descriptive statistics for the demographic of the participants, one way ANOVA for correlation of each variable.

III. Findings

Finally, 298 NPGY1s (male 3.72% and female 96.28%) completed the questionnaires. Mean age and average time of staying in the nursing profession were 21±1.5 years, 5±1.0 months, respectively. Of them 68.2% served in ordinary ward, 24.5% in emergency department, and 7.4% in intensive care unit. Though more than 70% of the participants did not have any night shift yet, many complained of overtime with an average of 15.3±2 hours per week.

Common factors related to leave hospital service were stress related nightmares (61.4%), low respect associated with verbal violence (72%), ≧2 negative emotions  such as uncertainty feeling and interference in normal daily life (70.1%), and non-voluntariness in attending nursing college (74%).

IV. Implication

Long overtime, low respect and negative emotions were common factors of low hospital retention rate in the NPGY1 college nurses. Low motivation as reflected by non-voluntariness in attending nursing school is a serious challenge to hospital administrators in Taiwan.