Implementation of principles of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) in the nursing care of patients diagnosed with cancer

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 11:00 AM

Varshika Manilal Bhana, Masters in clinical nursing and Bachelor in Nursing Science
Department of Nursing science, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

Learning Objective 1: understand the systematic review process followed in the first phase of this study

Learning Objective 2: gain knowledge on the implementation of a music intervention by following principles of implementation science

Implementation of principles of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) in the nursing care of patients diagnosed with cancer



Background:  GIM is a music-centered transformational therapy which facilitates self-awareness and the integration of physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of a being.  The approach allows individuals to address questions, experiences and the search for meaning in their current circumstances (Cadrin 2005-2006:5).

Objectives:  A systematic review will be conducted to determine the effectiveness of GIM, best practices will then identified and implemented in oncology units of a hospital, followed by evaluation of the effect of the music intervention.

Method:  A prospective intervention study will be conducted.  The population of the study is cancer patients admitted to an oncology unit of a hospital.  Quantitative, qualitative and expert opinion papers to be critiqued and data extracted and captured through the Johanna Briggs Institute systematic review programme.  In collaboration with a GIM specialist and nurses of the oncology unit best practices identified through the systematic review will be implemented in an oncology unit of a hospital.  Unstructured interviews to be conducted with each participant before and after the intervention and content analysis and coding procedures will be used to analyse the data.  Heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety will be quantified and analysed statistically.

Results:  Both physiological and psychological effects of the intervention will be identified through the use of both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection.

Conclusion:  This study will generate scientific knowledge on the effect of a music intervention implemented by nurses.  The music intervention may prove to be a therapeutic tool in providing holistic nursing care thus uplifting the practice of nursing to excellence.

Reference:  Professor FM Mulaudzi, Head of Department of Nursing Science, University of Pretoria, 00 27 12 354 2125