Implementing 6 university projects in a developing country - Lessons learned

Monday, 18 November 2013: 2:05 PM

K Elizabeth Mokoka, RN PhD
UNEDSA, FUNDISA, Pretoria, South Africa

Learning Objective 1: To identify successes and lessons from the implemented projects for application in their own situations as needed

Learning Objective 2: translate lessons into good practices and then disseminate this information globally for use in future project design and implementation

Abstract :

BACKGROUND: The University- based Nursing Education in South Africa (UNEDSA) programme was established  after  generous funding of close to R100 million from Atlantic Philanthropies and ELMA Foundation, enabling 6 universities to do projects aimed at transforming nursing education, practice and research by strengthening teaching, scholarship and infrastructure.

OBJECTIVE: : To describe the projects implemented by the six universities , the achievements of the projects and to share the invaluable lessons learnt from implementing projects in a developing country.

METHOD: Each of the funded universities had to design and implement a project that will transform nursing in the country and influence up-scaling.

RESULTS: Some of the major achievements of the projects, managed under one umbrella by FUNDISA, include:

  • A nursing school with its own established primary health care clinic to the benefit of the community and to create a clinical learning platform for undergraduate and post graduate students across the multidisciplinary team.
  • A high fidelity simulation centre which will enable transfer on knowledge in the integration of theory and practice.
  • A common teaching platform for three universities and the development of a preceptor training programme
  • Practice improvement in maternal and child health bringing education and practice together through learning centres which will encourage teaching and learning and enhance access to information which will ensure EBP.
  • Introduction of pre doctoral and doctoral degrees and creating an enabling environment for the retention of academic staff.        

CONCLUSION: The lessons learned from the programme can provide insight into the planning and implementation of future projects and strategies that can be used to ensure goal achievement and long-term project sustainability.