Opening Doors to Leadership

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 11:00 AM

Janice G. Brewington, PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN
Mary Anne Rizzolo, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN
Research and Professional Development, National League for Nursing, New York, NY

Learning Objective 1: Identify common needs and core competencies in the three leadership programs

Learning Objective 2: Discuss unique features of each leadership program

In the United States there is a growing awareness of the challenges faced by nurse educators as they transition to administrative and leadership roles.  NLN data reveals that faculty faces the stress of transition and the issue of needed support as they embrace new roles.  What competencies are needed?  Through the NLN’s Leadership Institute which comprises the LEAD program and the  Leadership Development Program for Simulation Educators, (our one-year programs that bring faculty together who have been rapidly transitioned to administrative roles within  nursing programs), we have seen first hand their concerns about being asked to bring innovation to nursing programs without a foundation in leadership and management principles. 

This presentation will discuss how the two programs focus on core competencies needed by faculty who assume leadership roles: organizational systems and leadership processes, as well as strategic planning, building high performance teams, financial management and developing a personal career plan to advance in organizational leadership.  It will also reveal plans for the newest program to be established under the banner of the Leadership Institute, the Senior Dean Leadership Program, a pilot for 10 nursing school deans who have served in that role for at least five years and envision themselves instrumental in re-energizing and reframing their organizational systems for emerging pedagogical and health care outcomes.

The leadership programs are built solidly on the NLN core values of caring, integrity, diversity and excellence and call for promising and talented leaders to develop strong management skills, to advance innovation in curriculum design and to promote evidence-based nursing education.  These models have the opportunity to create a cadre of leaders to advance health, globally.