Tales from the Front Lines: Integration of aTechnology Innovation

Monday, 18 November 2013: 3:15 PM

Margaret J Reilly, DNS, APRN, CNE
Department of Nursing, Queensborough Community College, CUNY, Bayside, NY
Patricia M. Burke, PhD, MSN, BSN, RNC
Department of Nursing, Queensborough Community College, Bayside, NY

Learning Objective 1: Describe a process for leading the implementation of an innovation

Learning Objective 2: Identify the Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes needed for successful implementation of an EHR

This project describes the process of leading an innovative change toward technology integration into the curriculum at one pre-licensure nursing program. The EQUIP project emerged as the end product of the presenters selection as 2010 Health Information Technology Scholars (HITS), a HRSA funded initiative to enhance the informatics knowledge, skills and attitudes of select faculty champions. Created to address faculty and student development needs in informatics technology; the intent of the EQUIP Project was to create a process for change in order to successfully integrate information technology into nursing education to meet the requirements for delivery of healthcare in the 21st century. A pre and post survey was used to examine the Attitudes Toward Technology of a convenience sample of 25 nursing faculty towards the use of technology in nursing education. Results guided the development, integration and evaluation of a comprehensive approach to information technology in this nursing education program. The procedure for EQUIP Team selection, faculty development and implementation of an academic electronic health record with 197 students is described. Rogers theory of diffusion of innovation guided the process. Barriers and facilitators for implementation of an academic EHR system for use in clinical, classroom and simulation settings are described. The implications of this project can guide other faculty and programs struggling to transform nursing education to prepare a healthcare workforce for the 21st century and provide competencies for improving patient quality and safety.