Patient Factors and Quality of Life

Monday, 18 November 2013: 11:20 AM

Carol Stilley, PhD, RN
Catherine M. Bender, PhD, RN, FAAN
William Flynn, MA
School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Aims: To examine relationships between education, medication regimen complexity, self efficacy, and mental and physical quality of life.

Method: Descriptive and correlational analyses of data were collected from 168 subjects in a longitudinal study focusing on adherence to complex medication regimens for diabetes and co-morbid conditions.  Relationships between level of education, self-efficacy, regimen complexity, and mental and physical quality of life were examined. Self efficacy was assessed with the Chronic Illness Self-Efficacy measure (Stanford Patient Centered Research Center©), regimen complexity was assessed with questions about the number of prescribed and over-the-counter medications, pills and doses taken daily.  Mental and physical quality of life was assessed with component T scores from the SF 36 Quality of Life measure (Quality Metric ©). 

Results: Age ranged from 40-94, mean 62.1; 96 subjects were female, education ranged from 8-25, mean of 13.99 years. Number of medications ranged from 2-24, mean of 13.99, number of pills taken daily ranged from 3-36, mean of 9.49, and number of daily doses ranged from 3-25, mean of 7.29. Self-efficacy scores ranged from 2.17-10, mean of 7.42.  Mental quality of life T scores ranged from 15.4-70.7, mean of 51.3; physical quality of life T scores ranged from 18.9-60.8, with a mean of 43.6.  Greater number of years of education was positively and significantly (p=.017) correlated with physical but not mental quality of life.  Number of medications was negatively correlated with physical quality of life (p=.041).  Self-efficacy was strongly related to both mental and physical quality of life at p=.000.   

Conclusions: These data contribute to current knowledge about factors that affect mental and physical quality of life among patients with co-morbid conditions who are following complex medication regimens.