Creating, Supporting, and Growing EBP Mentors' Skills and Confidence; A Win, Win, Win Strategy

Saturday, 16 November 2013: 3:55 PM

Jacalyn Buck, PhdD, RN, NE-BC
Department of Nursing, The Ohio State University Health System, Columbus, OH

This session will focus on the ongoing engagement with the learners over time to imbed, reinforce and sustain the knowledge and skills obtained in the program. The inclusion of the “graduates” in ongoing EBP programs has been a “win, win, win” for all involved. The  individuals become more proficient and confident in EBP, their employers gain EBP expertise at the bedside that grows and expands over time, and our EBP programs are staffed by well educated, highly energized, EBP champions who make the programs great for the next participants!