A Global, Collaborative Nurse Leadership Development Model

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 11:20 AM

Maura MacPhee, PhD, RN
Nursing, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to identify key, universal leadership competencies associated with effective leader and staff outcomes.

Learning Objective 2: The leader will be able to explain the importance of practice-academic collaborations with respect to leader development.

There are a plethora of leadership development programs that support nurse leader training, but few of them have been rigorously tested to determine the benefits of leadership training for nurse leaders, staff and their practice communities. In addition, most leadership development models have been designed within a North American context, limiting, perhaps, their feasibility for training and development of global nurse leaders. This presentation will provide an overview of an evidence-based nursing leadership development model that was rigorously tested using mixed methods over a 4-year period (2006-2010). The presentation will include a description of the model’s curriculum, delivery modes and formal evaluation outcomes. One unique feature of this model is its use of an empirically tested empowerment framework to guide leader self-development and leaders’ empowerment of others. Over 3 decades of nurse empowerment research has shown how empowered leaders and staff are associated with better leader, staff and patient outcomes and healthier work environments.  Another unique feature of this model is its use of practice-academic collaborations to plan, implement and evaluate the model in diverse, global healthcare contexts. In each context where this model has been piloted, academics from local/regional nursing colleges and universities have collaborated with nurse leaders from the practice community to create a relevant, pragmatic leadership development program for nurse leaders from different leadership levels. Academics contribute evidence-based rigor and program evaluation expertise, and the practice community provides leadership challenges and clinical and organizational expertise to create a synergistic approach to leadership development. This presentation will provide an overview of the collaborative process associated with successful pilots in Taiwan and Hong Kong.  This presentation will show how this global, collaborative nursing leadership development model holds promise as an effective way to train and develop global nurse leaders.