Care Challenge: Supporting and Promoting Nursing Lead Innovation

Monday, 18 November 2013: 10:20 AM

Robert D. J. Fraser, BScN, MN, RN
General Internal Medicine, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to explain how online platforms can support nursing lead health care innovation, and enhance the public perception of nurses.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to describe different types of outcomes that can be used to understand the impact of online social platforms.

Care Challenge is an online platform recognizing, rewarding, and promoting nursing lead innovation. Learning from case studies of online platforms Care Challenge was launched to leverage the power of nurses to self-identify problems and create solutions. The platform’s goal is to raise awareness of nursing lead projects from around the world and to provide winning submissions with support.

Nurses from around the globe could complete a short form that would then be reviewed before becoming public. Information on the problem, solution, and expected results required, and rich media (photographs or video) could also be uploaded. The submission was then made public on the website where any visitor could read, vote (support), or share the project through social networks. The social support was incorporated into the evaluation criteria used by the international nursing panel that selected the winning projects.

In May 2012 Care Challenge announced this year’s 20 top projects - based on the predefined criteria. Over 120 projects from 18 countries were submitted, which were voted on over 19,000 times.  The 20 winners represented 14 countries from Europe,  Africa, Asia, and North America. Ten prizes were small grants for project costs, and ten prizes offered professional video production to highlight the completed project. The prizes were intended to help nurses accomplish their work, and spread the innovation to other areas of practice, research and education. 

This presentation will discuss the methods used to develop, promote, engage and measure Care Challenge. Some examples of projects submitted and winning initiatives will be shared. Lessons learned and key insights from the process, including quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the initiative, will also be included. Updated information and data from the 2013 Care Challenge will incorprated.