Integrating QSEN Competencies in the Practice Setting: Using Simulation to Assess Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, and Patient Safety

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 11:20 AM

Cynthia A. Oster, PhD, MBA, RN
Performance Practice and Innovation, Porter Adventist Hospital, Denver, CO

Learning Objective 1: Identify quality/safety improvement strategies incorporating high fidelity simulation in the acute care setting.

Learning Objective 2: Discuss outcome measures that may impact time to Rapid Response Team activation.

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies provide the foundation for professional practice.   High fidelity simulation (HFS) is an experiential learning teaching strategy that allows nurses to practice and develop competent skills in a safe environment.  Integration of QSEN competencies in HFS can improve quality and safety in the practice setting.

The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship of years of nursing experience, highest nursing degree and QSEN competencies teamwork and collaboration, and patient safety of medical/surgical nurse pairs during a 30 minute HFS learning activity of patient decline in condition.

Data collected were years experience and highest nursing degree.  Time to nurse verbalizing need  for Rapid Response Team (RRT) (collaboration), time to nurse activating RRT (teamwork) and total elapsed time of simulation (patient safety) were calculated.  Significance of relationships among variables was determined by Pearson correlation, ANOVA and MANOVA.  IRB approval was obtained.

55 pairs participated (n = 110).  Power equaled 0.92.  Significant collaboration occurred in 1.8 minutes by a BSN prepared nurse with 1 year experience (p = .001).  Significant collaboration occurred at 5.6 minutes by an ADN prepared nurse with 30 years experience (p =.048).  Significant patient safety occurred at 2.9 minutes by a BSN prepared nurse with 1 year experience (p = .001).  Significant patient safety occurred at 6.1 minutes by an ADN prepared nurse with 7 years experience (p = .048).  Teamwork was not significant. 

Patient safety and quality is impacted by individual nurse knowledge, skills and attitudes of collaboration within the team environment.  Educational preparation and years experience influence time to call and team performance with RRT.