Laboring Together Delivers Learning

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 3:05 PM

Kathleen R Ward, MSN, RN
Department of Nursing, Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS
Celeste Gray, MSN, RN
Nursing, HaysMed, Hays, KS

Learning Objective 1: design clinical experiences through a collaborative process.

Learning Objective 2: recite ways to critique a developed collaborative clinical experience.

Clinical experiences that deliver learning are becoming more and more challenging to organize. Research demonstrates that collaborative relationships between academia and practice are fundamental in improving the clinical teaching environment (Rice, 2003).  

     The aim of this collaboration was to enhance nursing students’ obstetrical clinical experience while maintaining a therapeutic environment for new families and nurses.  Academia and practice worked together in a collaborative relationship to revise obstetrical clinical experiences. Through active discussion and planning the relationship and experience evolved.  Adhering to the American Nurses Association Standards of Practice (2004) relative to the registered nurse’s role in the education of health care professional a preceptored obstetrical clinical nursing experience was delivered.

       Nursing students work one-on-one with a clinical expert, the practicing nurse at the bedside. All clinical experts are provided with a training sessions and students are limited to one or two per shift. Both the nurses and the students complete evaluations of each other and the experience. Feedback is used to further strengthen the experience.

     This experience reflected Birx and Baldwin (2002) assumptions: Clinical experiences are vital for student learning. Clinical experiences facilitated by supportive clinical experts (staff nurses) enhance the learning experience. Opportunities that foster a sense of self-worth and accomplishment in the staff nurse result in a win-win in a collaborative relationship.