Student, Faculty, and Staff Perceptions of Integrating E-Books into Higher Education

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 3:25 PM

Peggy N. Flannigan, PhD
Cindy L. Brubaker, EdD, RN
Maureen Cluskey, PhD, RN, CNE
Janet E. Jackson, MS, RN
Department of Nursing, Bradley University, Peoria, IL

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to identify the benefits and barriers associated with the integration of e-books into higher education.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to discuss best methods to facilitate learning with e-books.

Student, Faculty, and Staff Perceptions of Integrating E-Books into Higher Education

This generation of college learners although referred to as “digital natives”, has not totally embraced digital textbooks, yet Pardue and Morgan (2008) describe them as being competent users of technology. The impetus for the study was related to nursing students having the option to purchase several of their textbooks in e-Book format as well as encouragement from textbook publishers to adopt the e-book format. In a search of the nursing literature, minimal research was found related to the use of e-books in higher education.  Foasberg (2011) found a small proportion of college students using e-readers for leisure reading. Kolowich (2011) addressed the lack of satisfaction students expressed related to being unable to examine more than one document at a time and difficulty highlighting information. Weisberg, (2011) examined behaviors, attitudes, and the learning of students in a business school related to the adoption of digital textbooks, finding that attitudes and behaviors becoming more positive. He reported no significant increase in learning. The purpose of this study was to describe the current usage, habits, perceptions, and attitudes of university students, faculty, and selected professional staff toward e-books. Online surveys were administered to the university community. The results provided baseline data for future discussions with faculty and textbook publishers regarding implementation of e-book technology on this campus. Discussions with students as well as faculty and textbook publishers will also focus on methods to facilitate learning with e-books and provide support for faculty development as they function in the educational environment.