Using the FOCUS PDCA (Find, Organize, Clarity, Understand, Select, Plan, Do, Check, Act) Framework To Revise an Undergraduate Nursing Clinical Evaluation Tool

Tuesday, 19 November 2013: 8:50 AM

Carol Hall Grantham, PhD, CPNP-PC
Kenya D. Kirkendoll, MSN, MPH, RN
Traci Sims, BS, MS
Nancy A. DiFalco, BSN, MSN
Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to apply the FOCUS PDCA framework with revision of a clinical evaluation tool.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to describe the process of revising a clinical evaluation tool that adheres to Baccalaureate Education and QSENS competencies.

Clinical education which complements didactic instruction is foundational to nursing education. Clinical experiences provide pre-licensure nursing students the opportunity to apply and relate theoretical content to real patient situations in clinical settings. Clinical instructors in these settings must provide guidance and support to facilitate students’ professional development into competent, conscientious nurses. When assessing mastery of clinical proficiencies, an evaluation tool based on evidence based principles and sound research is vital. The presentation will describe use of the FOCUS-PDCA (Find, Organize, Clarify, Understand, Select, Plan, Do, Check, Act) model as a seminal organizational framework as revisions to an undergraduate clinical evaluation tool were completed. With use of this model, consistency was maintained throughout revisions to the clinical evaluation tool in order to ensure that clinical faculty can effectively evaluate whether or not undergraduate nursing students’ are competent and capable of providing evidence based, safe, quality patient care.

With the revisions to the clinical evaluation tool, it was important that adherence to the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education and Professional Nursing and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) indicators was maintained. In addition, after applicable revisions, the evaluation tool included more content specific evaluative criteria. Additionally, the revised evaluation form was designed to facilitate dialogue and mutual goal setting between the clinical instructor and student. This approach supports the belief that students should have both input and ownership with the evaluation process.

The opportunities and obstacles that were faced, and overcome, throughout this process will also be discussed. A positive outcome would be for other nursing programs currently undergoing revision of their clinical evaluation tool to be able to benefit and learn from the process that our faculty went through in order to maintain evidence based practice for continuous quality improvement in the education of undergraduate nursing students.