Learning Objective 1: Describe the effectiveness of an extensive community outreach campaign for a large, U.S.-based epidemiological study of children's health.
Learning Objective 2: Describe those outreach strategies that worked best to increase community awareness.
Background: The NCS is a prospective cohort study of children in the U.S. who will be followed from before birth until 21 years to examine genetic and environmental influences on health. Valencia County, NM (55% Hispanic; 3% American Indian) was one of the U.S. counties selected using probability sampling for participation in a pilot study of door-to-door recruitment. An extensive outreach campaign was conducted to encourage enumeration and enrollment.
Methods: The outreach campaign involved locally produced media (billboards, radio, television, and newspaper); advance mailings; water bill flyers; newsletters; community events; $5 public school donations; and a Community Advisory Council. Recruiters visited households in selected neighborhoods and asked residents to complete enumeration about household characteristics. If a woman > 18 lived there and agreed, she was interviewed to determine if she was pregnant or trying and eligible to enroll. Two of the questions were: "Before today, had you heard about the NCS?" and "How did you hear about the NCS?”
Results*: 9,700 households were visited, 3,850 (40%) were enumerated, 1,950 (51%) had women > 18 years and 950 (49%) women completed interviews. 74% of women had heard about the Study although there was some variation over time and geography. Of those, 60% had heard about the Study from multiple sources. Top sources of information included advance mailings (22%), billboards (17%), print media (16%), community events (15%), and television (10%).
Implications: Outreach strategies reached the majority of potential participants. Advance mailings and billboards were the most effective strategies.
* Exact counts rounded to nearest 50 per N.I.H. disclosure rules for non-public use datasets.
Funded by NIH/NIDDK/NICHD, HHSN267200700031C
See more of: Oral Paper & Poster: Science Sessions