Increasing Telehealth Knowledge in Veterans Through Video Education

Monday, 18 November 2013: 2:25 PM

Jessica Renee Nelson, DNP, RN
Department of Advanced Practice Nursing, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN

Learning Objective 1: The learner will demonstrate successful approaches to engage individuals in the use of video education to improve overall learning and patient utilization of Telehealth services.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to plan ways to model and/or develop educational videos for specific topics and/or populations.

Although Telehealth technology has been around for years, it has recently gained popularity as a way to increase access for patient care services and decrease healthcare costs. Health care reform in the United States has called for creative and innovative solutions to problems with access to care, cost and disparities that exist today. One unique patient population affected is Veterans of the United States Military. Telehealth services have proved to be an innovative and cost effective approach to reach rural populations such as Veterans. However, as Telehealth technologies and modalities of care expand, Veteran education on the subject of Telehealth is often times nonexistent.  Although health care providers within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) have been highly educated on the topic of Telehealth and the services Telehealth can provide to patients, many times Veterans are not formally educated on the topic of how Telehealth can improve their health care experience. One VHA hospital sought to identify interventions appropriate to increase Veterans knowledge of utilizing Telehealth technologies. In an attempt to increase Veteran utilization and educate about safety and security of Telehealth technologies, an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project change was conducted. A Veteran education video describing three areas of Telehealth services offered within the VHA was created. The video was introduced to two groups of Veteran populations; those entering the VHA system through new patient orientation and an existing Veteran group currently participating in one of the three Telehealth services. This presentation will present the process used for the development, implementation and evaluation of the newly created  VHA Telehealth education video.