Working Simulation into the Online Nursing Educational Environment: Setting up a Nursing Practicum Experience

Tuesday, 19 November 2013: 9:10 AM

Cheryl M. Wagner, PhD, RN, MSN/MBA1
Judy K. Burckhardt, PhD, MAEd, MSN, RN2
Gloria Ohmart, EdD, MN, APRN2
(1)Graduate Nursing Department, American Sentinel University, Aurora, CO
(2)Nursing Department, American Sentinel University, Aurora, CO

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to evaluate the adequacy of simulation experiences in the online learning environment

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to apply knowledge related to simulation experiences in the online environment to his/her own educational environment

Working Simulation into the Online Nursing Educational Environment: Setting up a Nursing Practicum Experience

A critical issue for nursing education is the design of learning modalities that engage students in virtual environments.  With the explosion of online education curricula across the nation, creative methods of delivery to attract potential students are essential. One critical issue for nurse educators is the ability to provide clinical experiences for online nursing students.  Working in a virtual environment poses distinct challenges in assuring student experience and proficiency in the necessary skills.  This presentation discusses the process of establishing a simulated practicum experience in an online delivery system, including but not limited to selection of a simulation platform, designing scenarios, programming of bots in the scenarios, setting up interactions between various levels of students [i.e. graduate level students who are able to program and teach undergraduate level students to achieve undergraduate and graduate level course and program outcomes] and designing rubrics for student evaluation of the experience as well as instructor evaluation of the student learning. A sample simulation scenario will be presented with interactive bots.