Learning Objective 1: To discuss how an interdisciplinary team at one hospital led the way, through innovations and process changes, to improve organ donation conversion rate
Learning Objective 2: To discuss how through transforming nursing practice an organization wide culture change occurred moving to a culture of understanding and acceptance of organ donation
Early in our journey our nurses became engaged and empowered and started identifying innovative strategies to raise awareness and understanding of organ donation. Over the past three years more than 15 innovations were implemented. During a recent staff survey the following innovations were identified as having the greatest impact on the improving organizational culture: 1) Donor/recipient wall updated annually 2) Recipient information flyers for staff 3) Donor family/ recipient rounding on units 4) Gift of life service/ butterfly release annually 5) Flying donate life flag to honor every donor.
As a result of our efforts our conversion rate increased to 92% in 2011 with 30 organ donors saving 107 lives. In 2012, our conversion rate was 91%: 33 organ donors saved 93 lives and YTD our conversion rate is 94% with 15 donors saving 42 lives. As important, we saw a transformation in the way our nurses viewed organ donation. Our nurses now appreciate that when they cannot save the life of the patient they are caring for, they can save the lives of those awaiting organ donations. Our clinicians are now saving lives by transforming end of life to the gift of life.