Learning Objective 1: 1)Understand how a new method of conducting the RN-RN Hand-off using a Pull Methodology vs the old school, Push Methodology, reinforces Lean Management Principles.
Learning Objective 2: 2) Increase patient satisfaction scores and decrease overall wait times when transferring a patient from unit to unit using the Pull Methodology RN Hand-Off Report.
The purpose of this pilot study between a PACU and an Orthopedic Floor was to compare the length of time it took to transfer a patient out of a specialized unit to a floor bed using a Pull Methodology RN to RN hand-off report, rather than the traditional Push Methodology. The study hypothesized that the Pull Method would decrease wait times of the PACU staff to hand-off report & discharge a patient, better utilize staff recourses, improve throughput from the Operating Room, and increase staff & patient satisfaction.
Prior to the pilot, the Ready to Move time to occupied patient placement on a floor was 123.5 minutes. By week 4 of the pilot, Ready to Move to Occupied times dropped to 72 minutes, with overall PACU stay times at 156 minutes. In the 12th week of the study Ready to Move to Occupied times were at 74 minutes, with Total time at 163 minutes.
This successful pilot had dramatic effects on the busy PACU and Ortho Floor, allowing for improved throughput in and out of the Operating Room, better coordination of patient care through patient assignments, diminished waiting times for recovering patients who had met PACU discharge criteria, improved communication between healthcare providers, and increased patient, family and staff satisfaction.