Mother's Milk for Preemies Project

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Ivonne Hernandez, MSN
Women's & Children's Department, Tampa General Hospital, TAMPA, FL
Jessica Brumley, CNM, MA
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, USF Health, Tampa, FL
Becky Palmer, RN, CNM, CEC, PCC, PNC (C), PhD
BC Children’s Hospital, BC Women’s Hospital,Agencies of the Provincial Health Services Authority, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to identify the process of approaching the high risk antepartum mother regarding the use of human milk.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to identify the "Ten Steps to Support the Vulnerable Infant" and it’s application in a level III NICU.

Mother’s Milk for Preemies (MMP) is an interdisciplinary project focused on using evidence based research to advance clinical practices to optimally support the use of human milk in the NICU.  The Ten Steps for Promoting and Protecting Breastfeeding for Vulnerable Infants are being used to guide and develop an infrastructure of support for breastfeeding in our organization.  High risk pregnant mothers are provided with education focusing on premature delivery and use of mother’s own breast milk to promote optimal growth and development for premature infants. This provides them the opportunity to make an informed decision on providing breast milk and allows them to be an active participant in the medical care by pumping for their premature infant. This anticipatory guidance and support can reduce the stress of a premature delivery and increase maternal compliance with pumping. Mothers are educated regarding the importance of establishing and maintaining a milk supply so that they can successfully meet their breastfeeding goals. Increasing access to hospital grade pumps for NICU mothers during hospitalization as well as after delivery is a priority. Mother’s Milk for Preemies Project outcomes include total number of antepartum consults completed, time of pumping initiation and compliance, type of infant feeding (during NICU stay and at discharge) as well as evaluation of breastfeeding goals of the NICU mother. In addition, outcomes also include a standardization of breastfeeding education for NICU staff and families to increase use of mother’s own breast milk in the NICU. This project intends to establish the framework to develop and build an infrastructure of breastfeeding support so that NICU mother’s can successfully meet their breastfeeding goals.