Increasing Breast Milk Exclusivity in an Urban Academic Medical Center for the Duration of the Hospital Stay

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Christie Marlene Forward, BSN, RNC
Women's Health/ Maternity, UPHS Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to identify innovative ways to overcome challenges to infants receiving breast milk exclusively.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to identify ways project team was able to gain stakeholder buy-in and support the cause for providing breast milk exclusively.

Increasing breast milk exclusivity in an urban academic medical center can have many challenges.

From the staff’s acceptance of a new practice to the patient and family accepting information about a recommended change that may differ from current cultural practices – this project is about the journey of a clinical nurse and her team’s determination to leverage change. 

During the hospital postpartum period, there is a small amount of time to influence practices that may impact the health of a family, neighborhood and community. Through team collaboration, data collection, and staff education and also through community education and support, this project’s aim was to empower mothers to achieve the goal of providing exclusive breast milk to their infants.

Strategies for patient and family success including encouraging exclusive rooming-in, and teaching lactating mothers, cues to alert them when the infant desires to be fed.  A large part of the success of this project includes staff education, performing tests of change and campaigning for exclusivity.