Impacting Patient Satisfaction through Staff Nurse Empowerment

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Caryn C. Brown, BSN, MSN, MHA, RN-BC
Medical Pulmonary Unit, Centra, Lynchburg, VA

Learning Objective 1: Describe the structure, purpose and outcomes of unit based HCAHPS teams.

Learning Objective 2: Recall two Registered Nurse driven initiatives which improved patient satisfaction and unit based HCAHPS scores.

In 2012, the Pulmonary Unit failed to meet organizational ‘Top Box’ goals for all 9 HCAHPS domains and achieved a 0/9 final achievement score for the 2012 year. That year, best practices were created and implemented by organizational leaders, however staff buy-in was inconsistent and short lived.  Though best practices were known and tools and resources available, patients continued to report that our unit was not ‘Always’ meeting their expectations. To improve patient satisfaction, the Pulmonary Unit restructured the Patient Satisfaction/ HCAHPS process and developed staff RN led Domain Teams. Each Pulmonary Unit team member selected which Domain Team they were most passionate about and became a part of that Domain Team (those who didn't make a selection were assigned). Domain teams evaluated HCAHPS results, created and implemented action plans and independently took over as drivers of patient satisfaction - with the manager as a resource and coach. As a result of the actionable work of the staff RN led Domain Teams, the Medical Pulmonary Unit has consistently improved the patient experience and consistently reports “Top Box” HCAHPS scores for most domains (7/9).  Medical Pulmonary Unit’s success regarding improving patient satisfaction and HCHAPS scores is solely credited to empowering the staff nurse to create and implement action plans based on their experience and knowledge related to the needs, perceptions, and experiences of the patients on our unit. Examples of action items implemented by the Domain Teams on the Pulmonary Unit include – Discharge Checklists to guide the patient through the discharge process, No Pass Zone tickets to remind team members not to pass a lit call light, Care Board audits to ensure nurse communication methods are used to the fullest extent, and tools to support the RN in conducting medication education.
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