Prenatal Support Group for Pregnant Teens

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Jonell Eileen Allen, MSN/CNS, BSN, RNC

Pregnant teens at the two high schools in Lawrence Township will be offered the prenatal support group opportunity.  The outcome will measure the rate of return to school for those pregnant students who attend support group as compared to national statistical rate of pregnant teens who return to school after receiving usual prenatal care.  The teens that are pregnant in Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township (MSDLT) attending Lawrence Central High School and Lawrence North High School will be offered the opportunity to attend weekly after school support group throughout the school year.  The support group will meet in a classroom and will provide transportation home.  The format of this group will consist of 30 minutes of networking, informal discussion, healthy snacks followed by one or two informational presentations totaling 60 minutes by professional experts who will discuss a myriad of topics of interest related to the pregnant teen.  There will be a strong emphasis on having a healthy pregnancy with the goal of a healthy mom and healthy baby.  Some topics could include: meeting prenatal care providers, importance of getting early prenatal care, discussion centering groups for prenatal care, healthy diet during pregnancy, why exercise is important during pregnancy too, teen breastfeeding, WIC program, community resources that are available for parenting teens, family dynamics that are impacted by this pregnancy, the father of the baby, getting prepared for baby’s arrival, how depression and anxiety may affect them during and after pregnancy, keeping safe by avoiding risky behavior, future planning for return to school, filling out college applications and FASFA forms, how to prepare a resume, job application skills, how to find safe childcare, establishing a checking account, hopes and dreams for the future.