F 21 SPECIAL SESSION: International Nursing Service: At Home and Abroad

Monday, 18 November 2013: 3:15 PM-4:30 PM
Description/Overview: The purpose of this session is for the International Service Taskforce members to discuss various aspects of international nursing service and volunteerism, within local, regional, national, and international/global contexts. The session presenters will provide attendees with information about engaging in, evaluating and sustaining service and service-related partnerships-- at the member, chapter and regional level. During this session, presenters will discuss and provide ideas and practical examples of ways that international service activities help to address Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). We will provide attendees with guidelines and recommendations for international nursing service activities and discuss/summarize lessons learned individually and collectively from taskforce members. We will provide attendees with information about available international service resources such as books, education/training and opportunities, including STTI-specific resources and opportunities.
Learner Objective #1: A) Discuss/describe examples of local, national and international service activities. B) Identify at least one available resource for information, education, or training regarding international service
Learner Objective #2: A) Describe 1-2 points to consider when planning in-country and out-of-country service activities B) Identify 1-2 ways he/she or his/her chapter can begin/improve service engagement.
Organizers:  Safiya George Dalmida, PhD, APRN1, Shannon E. Perry, RN, PhD, FAAN2, Patrice K. Nicholas, DNSc,, MPH, RN, ANP, FAAN3, Jennifer Foster, CNM, MPH, PhD1, Benson Wright, MSN, RN4, Karen M. Pehrson, MS, APRN, BC5 and Roxanne Amerson, PhD, RN, CTN-A6, (1)School of Nursing, Emory University, Atlanta, GA(2)School of Nursing, Retired from San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA(3)Division of Global Health Equity and Center for Nursing Excellence, Brigham and Women's Hospital and MGH Institute of Health Professions School of Nursing, Bostonn, MA(4)Department of Professional Nursing Practice, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL(5)Professional Development, Southcoast Hospitals Group, Fall River, MA(6)School of Nursing, Clemson University, Greenville, SC
Moderators:  Belinda Smith, BSN