B 06 Pediatric Health Promotion

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 11:00 AM-12:15 PM
Moderator:  Amanda C. Green, MSN, PHCNS-BC
Relationships of Objectively Measured PA and Sleep with BMI and Academic Outcomes in 8-year-old Children

Susan Harrington, PhD, RN
Kirkhoff College of Nursing, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI

KidCheck Plus: Partnering to Promote Health in School-age Children

Anita Kay Williams Prickett, DSN, RN, CDE1
Jennifer B. Frank, MSN, RN, PCNS, B.C.1
Jennifer Haddox Williams, BS2
Chad L. Nichols, BS, MBA2
(1)College of Nursing, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL
(2)KidCheck Plus Dept, Sight Savers America, Pelham, AL

Management of Children and Adolescents in Out-of-home Care: Solving the Puzzle

Donna M. Hallas, PhD, PNP-BC, CPNP, PMHS, FAANP
College of Nursing, New York University, New York City, NY