Constructing the Role of Global Health Nursing

Monday, 9 November 2015

Michele J. Upvall, PhD, MS, BS, RN, CRNP
Department of Nursing, Carlow University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Jeanne M. Leffers, PhD, MSN, MA, BA, RN
College of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA, USA

There is a need for a definition of global health nursing and exploration of nursing roles for global health to ensure ethical, responsible and effective practice. This presentation will offer a formal definition of global health nursing developed from an extensive review of the literature. This definition of global health nursing focuses upon essentials such as social determinants of health, cultural humility, deliberate and reflective practice, and full partnership with individuals and/or communities. Implications for global health nursing will be explored through Crigger’s (2008) framework of global nursing ethics. Essential characteristics of global nursing ethics include listening to the voices of those who are marginalized, balancing both community and individual interests, using reflexivity, understanding the required human capacities for human flourishing, and utilizing business and technology to further social justice rather than exploitation. Building upon the definition of global health nursing, recommendations for the ethical implementation of global health nursing practice roles that build and sustain partnerships will be discussed.