Called to Promote Nursing Excellence as Transformational Leaders

Saturday, 7 November 2015: 3:15 PM

Sharon R. Redding, EdD, MN, BSN, RN, CNE
none, Omaha, NE, USA

American nurse educators share their experiences as volunteer nurse educators representing Project HOPE. This organization’s mission is to achieve sustainable advances in health care by implementing health education programs.  Project HOPE partners with host nation health officials in select locations to provide human resource talent for improving academic and technical skills.  The American nurse educators  are recruited for their expertise in nursing education as well as one educator having certification as a wound care ostomy clinical nurse specialist  to work with Chinese nursing faculty at Wuhan HOPE School of Nursing where they teach undergraduate courses in health assessment and nursing. Additionally, they instruct in a research readings course at the graduate level.  They are involved in clinical practicum activities, organize seminars, and are guest lecturers at other hospitals in large population centers. They are involved in continuing nursing education offered at various academic institutions in Wuhan, surrounding communities and other cities in China.  Another activity is teaching “medical” English to health professionals who will be going abroad for residency and advanced health education and training programs. The American wound care ostomy clinical nurse specialist consults with a certified ostomy and wound care nurse specialist in Wuhan, reviewing evidenced based practices and health education strategies. The American nurse educators assist faculty to prepare research for publication in international nursing and health care journals. They work with faculty in meeting the criteria for establishing an Honor Society of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society, which is the first Honor Society in mainland China.

Wuhan HOPE School of Nursing was established by Project HOPE in 2002 to serve as a model for nursing education in China. Using the expertise of seasoned American volunteer nurse educators, nursing simulation was integrated into the curriculum. Chinese nurse educators traveled to the United States to learn the use of manikins, develop scenarios and organize a simulation lab. The Wuhan Chinese educators have since taken this training to a higher level and present nursing simulation workshops on a regular basis to Chinese nurse educators from other Chinese universities. American nurse educators continue to promote simulation teaching, integration of simulation in continuing education programs and use of the simulation lab by nursing personnel from area hospitals for purposes of orientation and education. Wuhan HOPE School of Nursing offers the baccalaureate program in English and the Han Chinese dialect. The expectation is that students who complete the English language program will then enter the graduate program which is offered only in English. Because of the international emphasis in nursing education at Wuhan HOPE, nursing students take advantage of increased opportunities for study abroad programs.  Nursing faculty members pursue educational opportunities, conferences and seminars that promote their understanding of research and trends in nursing education.

American nurse educators work closely with Chinese nursing faculty to promote improved understanding of current trends in nursing education and clinical practice. Seminars in curriculum planning, test writing, and select teaching strategies are offered. Chinese faculty members ask the American educators for assistance in improving the organization of the concept-based curriculum so a review of current nursing literature is conducted. Both formal and informal discussions of evidence-based practices are held on a regular basis. Textbook resources are reviewed to determine those that are most appropriate for the Wuhan HOPE nursing program of study.  Frequent discussions of the role of the clinical instructor and best practices in clinical teaching are held with nursing administrators and faculty. This assists in the planning process for Project HOPE personnel in seeking future volunteer nurse educators to meet the specific needs of the Wuhan HOPE nursing program.