Saturday, 7 November 2015: 3:15 PM
The first part of the symposium focuses on theoretical outcomes from the use of affective learning strategies. Nursing education is often focused on the cognitive domain of learning; acquisition of new skills, and higher -level thinking are used to promote healthcare quality and safety, and are important outcomes of educating professional nurses in graduate coursework. While these same outcomes apply to teaching and learning goals for Evidence-based Practice (EBP) education, integration of teaching strategies in the affective domain are designed to motivate professionals to integrate and sustain a way of nursing practice known to improve care for patients and families. Learning in the affective domain for EBP puts the primary emphasis on discovery of meaning, capturing the essence of the practice, and perceptions of empowerment of nurses’ ability to be successful innovators. Interprofessional collaboration with Instructional Designers assist faculty to develop innovative curricular elements to achieve these goals. Using Roger’s Model of Diffusion as a framework, faculty and Instructional Designers plan interactive learning modules using visual art, and multimedia pedagogy. This allows students to not only build competence, but also confidence, with the process. Persuasion, decision-making and implementation are built on non-threatening formats for learning and practice. Implementation of the process allows students to internalize and value their new learning in the course. Outcomes demonstrate that this translates into knowledge transfer for clinical practice.