A Global Health Project to Engage Nursing and Elementary School Students: Developing Future Leaders through Service-Learning

Sunday, 8 November 2015: 11:40 AM

Deby E. Tyndall, MSN, RN
College of Nursing, East Carolina University, Wilson, NC, USA
Wendy Sullivan, MSA, BS
Elementary School, Wells Elementary School, Wilson, NC, USA

Background/Purpose:  A partnership between East Carolina University (ECU) College of Nursing and Wells Elementary School in Wilson, North Carolina began in the Fall 2013. A global health project to develop future leaders aimed to provide a service- learning experience to enhance global awareness for both elementary school students and nursing students.

Methodology:  A service-learning model was used to engage students at Wells Elementary in a global health project to benefit children in Guatemala. The project began with ECU nursing faculty/students using the Global Awareness Standards for North Carolina Public Schools to teach 3 lectures:  1) information about the country of Guatemala, 2) lifestyle and children health issues in Guatemala, and 3) service learning/purpose of project.  Designated as the project leaders, the 2nd grade class created broadcasting commercials to be aired on the school's “Beaver News” network.  The broadcasts educated students throughout the entire school as well as the local community of the supplies needed for nursing students to conduct charlas (health talks) for Guatemalan children.  Various phases of the project were featured in the local newspaper on three different occasions to inform the community.

Results:  Wells Elementary collected over 2,100 donations (toothbrushes, toothpastes, soaps, washcloths, crayons). Nursing students used these donated items to provide health charlas to more than 200 children at four Guatemalan schools in May 2014.  Nursing students shared the results of the project during a follow-up visit to Wells in September 2014.  Excitement from the success of the project sparked interest to continue the partnership for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year.  The school has begun these efforts by collecting new and used books for Guatemalan children in recognition of International Literacy Day.

Discussion:  Schools of nursing should identify innovative approaches to emphasize the value of service-learning to develop future leaders in a global society.  Partnering with community agencies can provide a platform to mentor students and develop leadership skills.  This project facilitated a collaborative leadership experience between elementary school students and nursing students.