“Changing Hospital Culture: Collaborative Response to Emergency Cesarean Sections”
Based upon the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s (ACOG) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended standard (30 minutes from decision to incision for emergency cesarean sections) the “30-minute rule,” a preliminary data review of “decision to incision” time audits, identified discrepancies in standardized communication and collaboration between medical and nursing staff.
This four part educational program aimed to change the culture and create an effective and collaborative response to emergency cesarean sections:
I-NICHD Nomenclature: Speaking a Common Language When Interpreting Fetal Heart
Rate Tracings
II-Concepts for Teamwork Training in
Obstetrics Background and Significance
III-Neonatal Outcomes
IV-Potential Postpartum Outcomes
Development/ Program Implementation
By integrating Kurt Lewin’s “Change Management Model,” this educational program’s aim was to change the culture and create an effective and collaborative response to emergency cesarean sections. The methodology of this interprofessional program incorporated a broad range of instruction (didactic lecture, fetal strip review & simulation). Focus was on standardized communication, interprofessional teamwork training, potential maternal/ infant outcomes and simulation of emergency cesarean section scenarios.
Evaluation/ Results/Barriers
Through implementation of this four part educational program, in conjunction with the development of departmental guidelines, ongoing data collection, and quality improvement review, this program was able to facilitate and sustain effective inter-professional collaboration and has made a significant impact on compliance with the ACOG “30-minute rule” standard, see (Table 1) Decision to Incision Data*
Barriers to sustained culture change continue to be identified through the debriefing of each individual case and addressed through the provider and nurse “peer review process.”
Compliance with Standardized Nomenclature for Fetal Monitoring (NICHD language)
Following ER C/S Guidelines
RN, Physician & Anesthesia Delays
Improving patient safety and quality of care was the primary focus of the project.
(Table 1) *2013-2014 Decision to Incision Data
Cases which met the “30-min. Rule” standard ACOG Benchmark (% Compliance)
*March 2013-December 2014 data, reflect post education results
1st quarter 2013-45% compliance
*2nd quarter 2013-72% compliance
3rd quarter 2013-38% compliance
4th quarter 2013-89% compliance
1st quarter 2014-89% compliance
2nd quarter 2014-85% compliance
3rd quarter 2014-92% compliance
4th quarter 2014-62% compliance
See more of: Oral Paper & Poster: Leadership Sessions