Bedside Clinical Nurse Perceived Barriers to Participation in Research Activities

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Diane M. Swintek, MSN, RN, CPAN
Nursing, Leadership and Management, Western Governors University, Monkton, MD, USA


The purpose of this presentation is to present the findings of a survey on bedside clinical nurses’ perceived barriers to their participation in research activities.

Target audience

 The target audience for this presentation is registered nurses in a clinical setting, clinical nurse educators, nurse leaders in a clinical setting, and nurse research facilitators interested in increasing participation of the bedside clinical nurse in research activities.


Purpose: The increasing complexity of wellness issues presented by the patient accessing healthcare services demands that the bedside clinical nurse have critical thinking and analysis skills.  In the acute care setting, the bedside clinical nurse most often gains knowledge through practice and discussion with nursing colleagues.  Moving to a practice model that has, as a cornerstone, evidence-based practice has been difficult to achieve.  Discovering the perceived barriers identified by the bedside clinical nurse to participation in research activities will assist with creating appropriate interventions to increase research participation.  Utilizing research findings in the care at the bedside is an important tool to decrease the severity of illness and the length of stay.


Methods:  This is a quantitative descriptive design research study.  Data will be collected through a questionnaire administered by an online survey platform, preserving anonymity and confidentiality.  There will be seven demographic questions and fifteen informational Likert style questions.  The collected ordinal data will be analyzed for frequency distribution and central tendency. 

Results:  Project in progress.

Conclusions:  Project in progress.


Black, A.T., Baineaves, L.G., Garossino, C., Puyat, J.H., and Qian, H. (2015).  Promoting evidence-based practice through a research training program for point-of-care clinicians.  The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(1): 14-20.

Hewitt-Taylor, J., Heaslip, V., and Rowe, N.E. (2012).  Applying research to practice: exploring the barriers.  British Journal of Nursing, 21(6), 356-359.

Yoder, L.H., Kirkley, D., McFall, D.C., Kirksey, K.M., StalBaum, A.L., and Sellers, D.  (2014).  Staff nurses’ use of research to facilitate evidence-based practice.  AJN, 114(9), 26-37.