The Relationship between Nurse Education and Stroke Protocol Knowledge

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Melissa Dianne Mitchell, MSN, BSN, ASN, RN, Sane-A
Indiana University Health Bedford Hospital, Bedford, IN, USA


Purpose:  The purpose of this presentation is to reveal the findings on the effectiveness of a directed educational curricula as it relates to the identified gaps in stroke protocol knowledge levels of nurses within the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit of a critical access research facility.

Method:  Pre-Post Survey Methodology was used to assess clinical nurse knowledge as it pertains to the facility's established stroke protocol.  Participants included nurses from the Emergency Department and the Intensive Care Units of a critical access hospital. A single data collection tool was used in the pre and post education timeframes to distinguish gain or lack of gained knowledge following the provision of education.  The data collection tool was a test that consisted of 20 questions related to stroke protocol knowledge that nurses in the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Units should be both familiar with and comfortable following.  These questions were derived directly from the existing stroke protocol informational binder and charting flowsheets that nurses use to guide them through acute care of the stroke patient.   The data collection tool consisted of 5 true/false questions, 10 multiple choice questions, and 5 fill in the blank type questions.  The same data collection tool was administered in both the pre-education and post-education timeframes.  A comparison of the results will be made to determine the effectiveness of the directed educational curriculum.  The directed educational curriculum was developed based off of the pre-education test scores.  Those items that were most frequently missed in testing were identified as areas of high importance and the curriculum was developed around those educational gaps.  The education was delivered using both an online electronic learning management system, known as eLMS, and a 2 hour classroom participation event.  The eLMS module was a powerpoint presentation that was completed by participants prior to class attendance.  The class session involved review of key points of stroke protocol and 2015 Core Measure Standards, instruction and return demonstration of proper calculation of tPA drug dosing, hands-on experience with set up and administrtaion of tPA using an IV pump, an interactive quiz board game, and a question and answer open discussion regarding the documentation piece of stroke protocol, prior experience, and helpful tips for attaining timely adherence to the protocol. Following completion of the online learning module and attending the classroom segment of the directed educational curriculum, the same data collection tool was re-administered to the ED and ICU nurses participating in the study.  A comparison of the pre and post-eductaion test results will be made to determine the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of the directed education that was provided to the participants.    

Results: The results of this study are not yet complete, as the project is ongoing at the present time.

Conclusion:  The project is ongoing at the present time and data collection continues.  The results of the study may provide suggestions about the development of future educational curriculum for nurses within the research facility who are responsible for direct patient care, adherence to policy, and compliance with regulatory standards, such as those in the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit.