F 14 Transforming Liberia’s Nursing Work Force through Pioneering Graduate Nursing Education, Leadership Development, with Exemplars from the International Ebola Response

Monday, 9 November 2015: 3:15 PM-4:30 PM
Description/Overview: Liberia’s civil war led to the destruction of an already fragile health care infrastructure, including the nursing education system. Significant work has gone into rebuilding this system from the ground up. The schools of nursing reestablished their diploma and bachelor’s degree programs and the schools of midwifery reestablished their certificate and diploma programs (Walsh, 2010). The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, USAID and Mother Patern College of Health Sciences (MPCHS) pioneered a Master’s in Nursing Education (MSN) program with their first cohort of 17 students 2010. (Flomo-Jones, 2013). The MSN curriculum is modeled on the National League for Nursing’s core competencies for nurse educators. It was developed by expatriate nursing leaders who volunteered their time and expertise. While improving the nursing workforce has only risen to international concern because of the reporting of the Ebola epidemic, in fact we have been working to improve nursing work force capacity since 2010 through an innovative curriculum delivery model. Leadership is considered a critical attribute in the enhancement and transformation of the nursing workforce of Liberia, evidenced in the recent Ebola epidemic. The program was designed to create leaders through higher education in nursing. As nurse educators and leaders in Liberia, Ms. Harriette Mondaye and Mr. Edwin Beyen provide reflections on their experiences. Both graduated in the first cohort of the Master’s in Nursing Education program at MPCHS. They share their experiences as nurses and nurse educators prior to attending the program and how the program transformed them and shaped their futures. They also highlight some of the findings of Curry, Taylor, Chen and Bradley (2012) who interviewed 17 health care leaders from four sub-Saharan African countries, including Liberia. One of their key findings was having a value-based vision for improving the future of the country, which these experiences reflect.
Moderators:  Khelesh Persaud, PhD, MSN, BSN, RN, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Symposium Organizers:  Magdeline C. Aagard, BAN, MBA, EdD, RN, PHN, Department of Nursing, Minnesota State University-Mankato, Mankato, MN, USA
Experiences in Nursing, Nursing Education and Leadership in Liberia Before Ebola and Beyond

Harriette N. S. Mondaye, CM, RN-BSN, MSN-Ed, FWACN, RN
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Esther Bacon School of Nursing and Midwifery, Minneapolis, Liberia
Edwin Beyan, BSc, MSN, RN
Graduate Program in Nursing Education, Stella Maris Polytechnic, Mother Patern College of Health Sciences, Monrovia, Liberia

Transforming the Nursing Workforce through Leadership Growth

Magdeline C. Aagard, BAN, MBA, EdD, RN, PHN
Department of Nursing, Minnesota State University-Mankato, Mankato, MN, USA

Transforming the Nursing Workforce in Liberia through Graduate Education

Dorcas E. Kunkel, DNP, RN, APHN-BC, LHIT-HP
School of Nursing, Walden University, College of Health Sciences, MN, USA