Tuesday, 10 November 2015: 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
Description/Overview: In an effort to increase the HCAHPS categories related to communication, a multidisciplinary team was formed including key stakeholders from the Trauma and Burn Intensive Care Unit (TBICU), Neuro Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Emergency Department (ED), Acute Care Trauma Unit, and the Trauma and Burn Unit to review the current data. A review of current literature was completed and best practices were identified. The team discussed the lowest scores, prioritized the team’s focus, and brainstormed ideas to improve.
The team decided to address three key areas to drive change. Frontline staff led each of the process improvement initiatives that were rolled out to the unit at different time frames for accurate outcome measurement. First opportunity addressed was related to communication. An orientation video was created for patients and families to view with in the first 12 hours of admission aimed at improving nurse communication. There was emphasis placed on the difference between the intensive care unit and the acute care setting. The unit secretaries were also engaged in proving outcomes. They discussed how they could positively impact the HCAHPS scores. The secretaries worked together with the assistant nurse managers to create a standardized process for secretary rounding to inform the patients on who will be answering their call lights. They created tools to guide and document their interaction with the patients and families. Being a post-surgical floor, it was imperative that the team also address pain management. Use of the white boards, nurse leader rounding, and staff and patient education about non pharmacological interventions were executed.
As leaders look to drive change, engagement of the team members is imperative. This symposium will describe how one leader engaged the front-line staff on her unit to drive change.
Moderators: Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir, PhD, MSc, BSc, RN, Department of Rehabilitation, Nursing Science and Sport, Rudolph Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical Center, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Symposium Organizers: Kristen M. Noles, RN, MSN, CNL, Surgical Services, The University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital, Birmingham, AL, USA
See more of: Symposia: Leadership Sessions