Sunday, November 13, 2005
Renewal of the Spirit through Persistent Inquiry of Science
Paulette Gallant, RNC, BSN, Nursing, R1, Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME, USA
For the past ten years, as a bedside nurse, I have been actively involved in the application and conduct of research. My first inquiry began with exploring the use of a standardized scale for identification of peripheral intravenous phlebitis. Little did I know that inquiry into a basic nursing care issue would change forever that way I think about my practice. At the end of my shift, my mind is often as tired as my feet…with the continuous swirl of questions generated by the patient care experiences I encounter. This basic inquiry has led to continuous, concurrent, evidence-based practice projects and new research studies designed to expand nursing science in the care of the cardiac surgery patient. The most gratifying outcome of these many years of role modeling as a Clinical Scholar is the daily questioning and application of evidence now exhibited by my nursing colleagues. This presentation will share with you my experiences as an emerging Clinical Scholar and provide a picture of the current evidence-based practices on my unit.