Thursday, 20 July 2006
This presentation is part of : Caring for the Chronically Ill
Managing Vascular Complication Among Clients with DM Type II
Haejung Lee, PhD, RN, College of Med., Dept. of Nursing, Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea
Learning Objective #1: The learner will be able to identify the effects of nursing counseling on vascular complication of Diabetic Patients
Learning Objective #2: The learner will be able to extend ideas for possible nursing intervention to prevent vascular complication among Diabetic patients


Purpose:  The purpose of the study is to identify the effects of problem solving nursing counseling and intensified walking exercise on vascular complication among older adults with DM type II. Method: Ninety nine DM patients who are older than 50 years were recruited from DM clinics or public health centers and conveniently assigned into three groups: Polar(n=41), counseling(n=30) and control groups(n=28). Participants in both Polar and counseling groups attended weekly problem solving nursing counseling for 12 weeks. Polar heart rate monitors were used in the Polar group to intensify walking exercise. The data were collected from November 2003 to August 2004 and analyzed by ANOVA or ANCOVA using SPSS WIN program. Result: After 12 week intervention, participants in both Polar and counseling groups reported increased diabetic self care behaviors and decreased blood glucose levels, which is significantly different from those in the control group. There was no distinctive effects of program between Polar and counseling groups. Conclusion: Based on the findings, we concluded that problem solving counseling alone could have positive effects on diabetic self care and glycemic controls for older adults with DM. Future research is needed to identify long-term effects of the program.

See more of Caring for the Chronically Ill
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)