Wednesday, 19 July 2006
This presentation is part of : Leadership and Management Strategies
A Comparison Study on Nurses' Spiritual Intelligence Between Two Societies with Different Belief-Systems
Ke-Ping A. Yang, RN, PhD, Nursing Department, Cardinal Tien College of Nursing, Hsintien County, Taiwan
Learning Objective #1: Know the issue of nurses' spirituality in societies with materialised and capitalised belief systems.
Learning Objective #2: Acknowledge the profile of Chinese nurses' spiritual intelligence between Taiwan and mainland China.

A comparison study on nurses' spiritual intelligence between two societies with different belief-systems
   The purpose of the study was to compare the spiritual intelligence among Chinese nurses between Taiwan and the mainland China.  A cross-sectional descriptive and inferential study design was implemented, with 524 registered hospital nurses who were widely distributed throughout mainland China (n=257) and Taiwan (n=267), serving as its subjects.  Wolman’s (2001) Psycho-Matrix Spirituality Inventory (PSI), was used to measure nurses’ spiritual intelligence.  It incorporated the following seven factors: divinity, mindfulness, extrasensory perception, community, intellectuality, trauma, and childhood spirituality.  The results showed that the two groups had a significant difference on both the mode of nurses’ spiritual intelligence and religious beliefs.  Childhood spirituality was the most significant variable which affect nurses’ spiritual intelligence, and accounted for 42.3- 65.7% of the variance on nurses’ spiritual spirituality.  The study draws attention to the diverse culture of the nurses’ concepts of spirituality, as well as contributes to understand the profile of nurses’ spiritual intelligence which is fundamental to the delivery of truly holistic care of humans in a multi-faith society.    

See more of Leadership and Management Strategies
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)