Wednesday, 19 July 2006
This presentation is part of : Health Promotion for Cardiac Patients
The Impact of Support Group Attendance on Patients with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
Gina Myers, PhD, RN, Clinical Services, St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center, Syracuse, NY, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe two characteristics of support group attendees.
Learning Objective #2: Describe two ways that a nurse led ICD support group can impact the ICD patient.

Sudden cardiac death can be forestalled with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). The ICD delivers a shock to the heart if a lethal arrhythmia occurs, facilitating the return of a normal rhythm. However, this technology can cause psychosocial issues after implantation. Social support has the ability to ease patient concerns and positively influence the health of cardiac patients. Support groups are one way to provide social support, emotional support, and experiential knowledge. Presently, ICD support groups exist but are underutilized, and few studies have been conducted to assess their impact.   

The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of ICD support group members and depict their beliefs on what a group has to offer and how it effects their life. This data is part of a larger project done to study anxiety and social support in ICD patients. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze this data. Seventy-three attendees from 10 different support groups were included. A demographic data sheet and support group questionnaire asked participants for background information, what they believed a support group offered and what they perceived was better for them since attending the group. It was identified that people believed a group primarily offered them information. Other areas identified were emotional support and connectedness. An open-ended question was used to ask attendees how the support group impacted their lives. Responses were coded and categorized, identifying three main themes. Information, emotional support and connecting with others emerged to be the most beneficial aspects.

This study highlights the role of support groups in the life of an ICD patient. It also shows the benefits of support groups in helping ICD patients deal with their psychosocial needs. Nurses can become more involved with providing support to ICD recipients through encouraging participation in a group or developing alternative resources.  

See more of Health Promotion for Cardiac Patients
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)