Poster Presentation
Thursday, 20 July 2006
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Thursday, 20 July 2006
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
This presentation is part of : Poster Presentations II
Survey of Health Promotion and Farm Safety for Children Living on Farms
Alice E. Conway, PhD, APRN, BC, Amy J. McClune, PhD, RN, BC, and Patricia L. Nosel, MN, RN. Department of Nursing, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA, USA
Learning Objective #1: Recognize the safety risks for children living on farms.
Learning Objective #2: Consider possible resources needed to promote safety for children living on farms.

Purpose: This study will identify health promotion procedures utilized by primary care practitioners (PCP) to educate children about farm safety. Specifically, the study will identify the incidence of care provided to children involved in farm accidents; determine the percentage of PCPs who provide anticipatory guidance related to farm safety; and examine the barriers to utilization of farm safety materials. Framework:  Nora Pender’s 1996 theory (Sakraida, 2002) serves as the conceptual framework.  A major concept in her model is interpersonal influences, which explains the power that healthcare providers have concerning behaviors, beliefs, or attitudes.  Pender’s model will assist in describing whether PCPs use the opportunity to engage patients in health promoting behaviors related to farm safety.

Methods: Based on a pilot study conducted in Northwestern Pennsylvania (nwpa), this larger descriptive study surveyed PCPs in all rural counties in Pennsylvania. Using a stratified random sample (n = 500), a survey developed for the pilot study was mailed. Content validity was established by a panel of four APRNs.  Reminder cards will be sent after two weeks. Data analysis will include descriptive statistics and content analysis.

Results:  The early findings (n=50) validated the findings of the pilot study which found that 31% of the children seen by the PCPs lived or worked on farms and 16% had sustained farm injuries caused by falls, animals, muscular strain, and machinery.  Approximately half of the PCPs indicated interest in receiving materials.  Conclusions and Implications: Initial results validate the need for additional health promotion resources to assist in reducing the risk of farm injuries. Based on the final results it is anticipated that a future project would focus on education of PCPs to the available and developmentally-appropriate safety resources for children living on farms. 

See more of Poster Presentations II
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)