Poster Presentation
Wednesday, 19 July 2006
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Wednesday, 19 July 2006
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
This presentation is part of : Poster Presentations I
The Effects of Counseling and Recreational Activities on Levels of Alienation Among Nursing Students in Alexandria, Egypt
Abir K. Bekhet, RN1, Marcelle Naguib, PhD, RN2, Mervat El-Geunidy2, and Jaclene A. Zauszniewski, PhD, RNC, FAAN1. (1) Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA, (2) faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Learning Objective #1: Acknowledge that alienation is a serious problem among adolescents nursing students that can lead to acting-out behaviors, including juvenile delinquency, assault, rape, alcoholism, and suicide.
Learning Objective #2: acknowledge that effective nursing interventions can alleviate alienation and can help adolescents to deal with their problems.

Alienation is an experience of dissatisfaction and disconnectedness with oneself, with others, with one’s God, with nature or a transcendent realm of being and one of the characteristics of this century.  Alienation in adolescents can lead to acting-out behaviors, including juvenile delinquency, assault, rape, alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide.  Nursing students, the adolescents of today, are the nurses of tomorrow who will deal with human behavior.  Their psychological well-being is an important factor in managing their client’s condition. Adolescents enjoy a new capacity and opportunity for meaningful identification, which can provide a major direction and organization for the remodeling process.  Previous research has shown that almost half of the adolescent nursing students suffered from alienation, ranging in magnitude between very high and high. Purpose This study will examine the effects of counseling and recreational activities on levels of alienation among nursing students in Alexandria, Egypt. Theoretical Framework Kelly’s (1965) Personal Construct Theory will provide the context for examining relationships between social structures and alienation.  Design and sample. A longitudinal, pretest-post test design will be used to examine the effects of counseling and recreational activities on levels of alienation among 125 nursing students in Alexandria, Egypt. Methods.  Data will be examined to determine levels of alienation among nursing students; those with high levels of alienation will be randomly assigned into three groups: recreational activity, counseling, or a control group.  Results. T-tests and one-way and repeated measures analysis of variance will be used to compare each group before and after the intervention as well as to compare interventions across the three groups over time: immediately, at 3 months, and at six months post-intervention. Conclusion.  The results from the study will provide direction for developing effective nursing interventions to alleviate alienation and to help adolescents to deal with their problems.

See more of Poster Presentations I
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)