Friday, 21 July 2006
This presentation is part of : Health Promotion Studies and Projects
Special Olympics of Delaware and Sigma Theta Tau International – Beta Xi
Carolee Ann Polek, PhD, RN, Nursing, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
Learning Objective #1: describe healthcare disparities of the special olympic population.
Learning Objective #2: identify collaborative strategies in forming a community based partnership.

Special Olympics (S.O.) is a program that serves more than 1.7 million people with intellectual disabilities in more than 150 countries. They provide year-round programs of sports training and athletic competition. The state of Delaware currently serves over 2,200 athletes. Research has indicated that many of the S.O. athletes have serious undiagnosed medical conditions: cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, obesity, and diabetes. In response to these unmet health needs, S.O. initiated the Health Promotion Venue (HPV). This program complimented their existing Healthy Athletes Program begun over 13 years ago. In 2002, S.O. of Delaware discussed piloting a “Wellness Park” to compliment the Healthy Athlete component. Simultaneously, Beta Xi indicated the need to incorporate service into their mission and developed a strategic plan. Beta Xi was fortunate enough to partner with S.O. at the beginning stages of the “Wellness Park” discussions and helped develop the essential components. Beta Xi has been partnering with the organization ever since. Beta Xi members volunteer for a majority of S.O. events held year-round throughout the state. The roles vary depending on the venue and need. They obtain or create materials and resources, promote sun safety, germ awareness along with health screening: blood pressure, heights, weights and BMI’s. During the larger events, Beta Xi is able to collected data from the athletes. Research was conducted on their blood pressure, heights and weights have been presented at research conferences. This data will be used to help develop health programs to address those unmet health needs of this vulnerable population. S.O. of Delaware has a reputation as having one of the top overall Healthy Athletes programs in the world. They are called upon to visit programs throughout the nation to help implement similar programs. This recognition would not be possible without the collaboration and dedication of the Beta Xi volunteers.

See more of Health Promotion Studies and Projects
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)