Friday, 21 July 2006
This presentation is part of : Health Promotion Studies and Projects
Obesity and Family History as Risks Factors to Develop Type 2 Diabetes
Lidia G. Compean Ortiz, MCE, Nursing School, Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Tampico Tamaulipas, Mexico and Esther C. Gallegos Cabriales, PhD, Nursing School, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, N.L, Mexico.
Learning Objective #1: know the obesity`s prevalence in a Mexican community and the risk to develop type 2 diabetes.
Learning Objective #2: to reflect about the importance of health promotion in type 2 diabetes.

ABSTRACT (300 words)
Purpose: To estimate in general population the prevalence of both obesity/overweight and family history of type 2 diabetes (DM2), and weather these factors are associated between them. Methodology: Epidemiological study with a cross sectional survey. It was used a randomized sampling. In the first moment, it was selected a Basic Geographic Area in Apodaca Nuevo Leon Mexico with 1066 housings which were assigned a number. In a second moment, it was determined the sample size of 214 housings with a confidence interval of 95%, using the SPSS 10.0 computer program. In a third moment, data collecting phase was applied in the community selecting randomly one member from each housing taking account the eligibility criteria like age of 18 to 60, no type 2 diabetes and no pregnant women. For data collection it was used a format which included: 1) General information, 2) anthropometric measures, and 3) family history of DM2. For data analysis it was calculated Pearson correlation, X2, and odds ratio. Results: The general prevalence of both obesity/overweight was 72.5%. With regard to age, it was observed an increase of obesity/overweight in people between 31 to 50 years. Besides, age was positively associated with the body mass index (r = .272, p = .05) and the waist-hip’s index (r = .518, p = .01) in men, and in women only with the waist-hip´s index (r = .335, p = .01). It was not a significant association among the family history of DM2 and the obesity and overweight (RM = 1.13, IC 95% .622-2.06). Conclusion:  It was evident a high prevalence of people with obesity and overweight in the community which suggests the imperative need of impulse strategies of health promotion and specific prevention in order to decrease the risk to get metabolic diseases.

See more of Health Promotion Studies and Projects
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)