Wednesday, 19 July 2006
This presentation is part of : Global Collaboration Strategies
Benefits of Cultural Immersion Experiences to the Host Country: An Exploratory Study
Terry L. Bosworth, PhD, RN, Division of Nursing, Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, CT, USA
Learning Objective #1: Identify the benefits of a long-term cultural immersion expereince to health care professionals and students in Guyana, South America.
Learning Objective #2: Define the activities that nursing students and faculty can engage in during immersion experinces that can have long-lasting effects on the community of interest.

Over four years faculty and students from our college have traveled to Guyana, South America for eight two week health care immersion experiences.  Participants affirm the transformative nature of this experience, and indicate continued use of what was learned in clinical and teaching roles.  Absent in published literature is research regarding the value of immersion experiences to the host country.  Our research purpose was to ask our Guyanese partners to discuss their reactions to our involvement in their system.  Responses were taped, transcribed and analyzed using a constant comparative method, seeking common themes, attitudes and patterns of reactions.   Results indicate that local students, educators, and clinical staff view our involvement as supporting an active nursing role, the potential for enhanced professional roles, and an installation of hope for change over time.  Although based on a limited sample this outcome points to the benefits of over time immersion experiences to the host and visitor.          

See more of Global Collaboration Strategies
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)