Friday, 21 July 2006
This presentation is part of : EBP Innovations in Specialty Nursing Organizations: A Model for Clinical Practice Guideline Development and Dissemination
Testing the Waters: Piloting an Evidence Evaluation Tool for EBP Guideline Development in a Specialty Organization
Jacqueline Ross, MSN, RN, CPAN, Department of Nursing, University of Akron/Kent State, Akron, OH, USA

Practice guidelines provide a key link between evidence-based knowledge and healthcare practice, and offer a mechanism to advance the quality and equity of patient care. Clinical practice guidelines rest on a foundation of evidence, which may arise from multiple sources including randomized controlled clinical trials, meta analysis, systematic reviews, and expert opinion. In June of 2004, the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses developed an EBP model to guide the organization in the development and dissemination of EBP throughout the specialty. A major component of this model was the inclusion of an evidence-evaluation tool (modified with permission from the Stetler tool) designed to be used by guideline development teams composed of professional nurses of varying educational levels. The tool was pilot-tested for clarity, ease of use, and interrater reliability using 3 evidence evaluation teams composed of perianesthesia nurses of varying educational and practice backgrounds (clinical, management, & academic). The results of this pilot study are presented. While interrater reliability was acceptable, reviewers at all educational levels expressed frustration due to feeling overwhelmed, unprepared, and generally inexperienced with the process of research critique. Resulting modifications to the tool and overall process will be presented and recommendations for member education will also be highlighted. The relationship of these modifications to the overall process of guideline development and dissemination in specialty practice organizations will also be discussed.

See more of EBP Innovations in Specialty Nursing Organizations: A Model for Clinical Practice Guideline Development and Dissemination
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)